The OG Production Team is made of many moving parts! See which ares you can contribute to:

Camera operator

Time Commitment:

  • 1 Sunday of training/shadowing

  • 4 hours on your scheduled Sunday once trained (typically once/month unless more is desired)

    • Meet at 8am for Team Meeting and then service walk-through

  • Potential for some special services:

    • Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Funerals, Weddings, etc.

  • One year commitment with quarterly check-ins


  1. Operate 1 of 3 cameras under the supervision of the Producer and Director of the day

    1. Camera footage is used for Worship Center screens and livestream broadcast

  2. Be aware of aesthetics

  3. Help communicate the message through your service

graphics operator

Time Commitment:

  • 1-2 Sunday of training/shadowing

  • 4.5 hours on your scheduled Sunday once trained (typically once/month unless more is desired)

    • Meet at 7:30am to prep graphics

    • 8am Team Meeting and then service walk-through

  • Potential for some special services:

    • Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Funerals, Weddings, etc.

  • One year commitment with quarterly check-ins


  1. Help communicate the message under the supervision of the producer and director through a variety of graphics and slides

    1. usic lyrics

    2. Announcement images

    3. Scripture

    4. Other forms of media

  2. Help your director with upcoming graphic needs

light board operator

Time Commitment:

  • 1-2 Sunday of training/shadowing

  • 4 hours on your scheduled Sunday once trained (typically once/month unless more is desired)

    • 8am Team Meeting and then service walk-through

  • Potential for some special services:

    • Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Funerals, Weddings, etc.

  • One year commitment with quarterly check-ins


  1. Operate the lighting board, setting a tone for the atmosphere of our gathering time

  2. Be proactive in thinking through cues

  3. Accept suggestions and changes

sound board operator

Time Commitment:

  • 1-2 Sunday of training/shadowing

  • 5 hours on your scheduled Sunday once trained (typically once/month unless more is desired)

    • Meet at 7:00am to help get the band setup and underway

    • 8am Team Meeting and then service walk-through

  • Potential for some special services:

    • Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Funerals, Weddings, etc.

  • One year commitment with quarterly check-ins


  1. Operate both FOH and Monitor boards

    1. Pay attention to sound levels in the Worship Center

    2. Work with your Producer to craft an engaging experience

  2. Be alert and aware of "on-the-fly" changes in speakers and microphones


Time Commitment:

  • 2-4 Sundays of training/shadowing

  • 5 hours on your scheduled Sunday once trained (typically once/month unless more is desired)

    • 7am arrive to get room setup and go over the production sheet with Producer

    • 7:30am meet with Graphics operator to go over schedule

    • 8am Team Meeting and then service walk-through

  • Potential for some special services:

    • Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Funerals, Weddings, etc.

  • One year commitment with quarterly check-ins


  1. Work with the Producer to effectively communicate the message of the day with limited distractions

  2. Operate the switching board to get desired images on screens and livestream

  3. communicate with camera operators during service, coaching them through the shots you want and receiving feedback from them

  4. Be prepared for "on-the-fly" changes

Stage design/management team

Time Commitment:

  • 1 Sunday of training/shadowing

  • 4 hours on your scheduled Sunday or a few hours during the week to prep

    • Meet at 7:30am to prep stage

    • 8am Team Meeting and service walk-through

  • Potential for some special services:

    • Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Funerals, Weddings, etc.

  • One year commitment with quarterly check-ins


  1. Work with our Production Coordinator on creating stage designs that bring out the message

  2. Help on some Sundays as a stage coordinator

    1. Make sure the stage is clean and setup for service

    2. Be responsible for any items needed on stage or removal during service

    3. Coordinate stage personal to enter exist stage at the right times


Time Commitment:

  • Train/shadow in each position for 1 Sunday

  • 4.5 hours on your scheduled Sunday once trained (typically once/month unless more is desired)

    • Meet at 7:00 to communicate schedule with Director

    • 7:30 meet with Director and Graphics operator

    • Lead 8am Team Meeting and service walk-through

  • Potential for some special services:

    • Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Funerals, Weddings, etc.

  • One year commitment with quarterly check-ins


  1. Lead the Production Team in communicating the message of the day

  2. lead 8am team meeting

    1. Make sure each team member is comfortable with their responsibilities for the day

  3. Makes changes as needed during service walk-through

  4. Communicate with the day's speaker about the day's schedule

breakfast team

Time Commitment:

  • 2 hours on your scheduled Sunday

    • Arrive by 8:30 with breakfast

    • Cleanup during/after first service

  • Potential for some special services:

    • Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Funerals, Weddings, etc.

  • One year commitment with quarterly check-ins


  1. Help fuel the Music and Production Teams by providing breakfast

    1. Pre-made or purchased

  2. Make sure Green Room is stocked with breakfast supplies

  3. Make sure Green Room is picked up after breakfast