This week we're looking at how each individual makes up the body of Christ. To help do this better, we've provide some "homework" for your group to do between today and the next time you meet. At the bottom of this session you'll find a link to a personality assessment. Encourage your group to go through it (takes about 15 minutes) and then bring the results for your next session.
***The website will ask each person for their email address in order to reveal their assessment. I have done this and have not received any weird spam or anything!
Getting Started:
- Have you ever felt different because you were "into" something that you're friend group wasn't?
- What was it?
READ: Ephesian 2:10 NLT
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
- Do you believe that you are uniquely gifted and created for something that can bring life and hope and love into this world?
- Why or why not?
- If the church is God's plan to make earth like heaven, and if each one of us collectively and individually is the church, what role or need might you fulfill?
when we love something, it changes us, it overwhelms our natural selfishness
- How do we let go of our own desires and wants for the good of others?
- How might seeing ourselves as part of a larger whole (the church) begin to do this?
- Paul said, " It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me."
- What does that verse say to you?
If we don't do what we are created to do, the job doesn't get done.
we are the plan!
Each one of us has gifts, talents, passions, and strengths. And each one of us has something to offer the body of Christ - the church. It might not always be what you thought it was, or what you think it should be. We, as the church, need to begin to expand out understanding of what ministry means and is. Let's begin that process this week. Please set-aside a few minutes and take this personality assessment; it just might help open your eyes to how much you are gifted and how much you have to offer the kingdom of God.