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We are better together. A life of faith isn’t about checking off a list of beliefs; it’s a vibrant, active experience rooted in community.

ROOTS, Orchard Grove's Student Ministry, is uniquely designed for 6th-12th Grade Students, and each week students come together to play games, build relationships, hear the Gospel and discuss the challenges of following the path of Christ in everyday life.

The Student Ministry meets just off the main Atrium in Bldg C.  There are a variety of opportunities for students to connect, have fun and grow in their faith.

Sunday mornings at Orchard Grove:
Junior High (6th-8th grade) meets Sunday morning at 11:15AM
High School Ministry (9th-12th grade) meets every Sunday at 11:15AM   

Midweek Small Groups, Wednesday Nights from 7-8:30PM for 6th-12th grade students

For more information or questions regarding the Student Ministry contact Michelle.