• Have you ever stopped to think about the "books" of the Bible: their individuality, their purpose, the fact that they were each written by people, during a time-period, about something specific?


  • Does it change how you interact with the Bible to know that a part of the Bible (like the letter to the Galatians), was written by a person (Paul), to a specific group of people (a church he started), for a specific purpose (to tell them to take a look at what they have begun to believe)?

Watch a Clip from Sunday's Message

  • Have you ever worked really hard and poured yourself into a project or something only to have someone come behind you and mess it up?

READ: Galatians 1:6-9

God, by his grace through Christ, called you to become his people. So I am amazed that you are turning away so quickly and believing something different than the Good News. Really, there is no other Good News. But some people are confusing you; they want to change the Good News of Christ. We preached to you the Good News. So if we ourselves, or even an angel from heaven, should preach to you something different, we should be judged guilty! I said this before, and now I say it again: You have already accepted the Good News. If anyone is preaching something different to you, let that person be judged guilty!

  • Everyone has a story of how they first heard about God's love: who told you, what it meant to you at the time, what it means now. Who, when, what, how did you first hear "The Gospel" and how did it effect you then?


  • Does it still effect you now?

Pastor Chris gave his definition of "Religious" and "Spiritual"

  • What do these words mean to you?